We rely on lithium batteries for a wide variety of consumer goods. They are in our phones, laptops, cameras, and even electronic children’s toys. This also means at some point we may need to ship lithium batteries or electronics containing them. Although widely used, most people are not aware of the safety risks we face if lithium-ion batteries are not prepared correctly for transport.

Why Are Lithium Batteries Considered Dangerous?

You may have noticed lithium batteries in the news a lot lately. That is because, although the occasion is rare, these batteries can burst into flames. When they do so, the result is catastrophic. The electrical energy in these batteries is significant, allowing them to provide high levels of power. This also means they will can generate a lot of heat if short circuited.

Lithium batteries are known to degrade as soon as they leave the factory. They are also extremely sensitive to high temperatures. Heat causes the lithium battery to degrade much faster than they would normally. All these factors contribute to lithium-ion batteries being classified as a hazardous material.

How to Ship Lithium Batteries Safely and According to Regulations

There have been major changes to the movement of lithium batteries which can result in lengthy shipping delays and fines. Lithium Batteries are classified as hazardous materials, which means shippers are required to understand and comply to the applicable regulations. The newest IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) has introduced segregation provisions for certain packages containing lithium batteries, which went into effect on January 1st, 2018.

Shippers moving lithium batteries are confronted with a minefield of regulations. The best way to stay ahead is to be properly trained, or call a trained Dangerous Goods Specialist.

Sign up for training: DGM offers an interactive course specifically targeting the requirements to correctly identify, classify, document, pack, mark and label packages of lithium batteries by air, sea, or road. We offer classroom, on-site, or online courses.

Call a Dangerous Goods Specialist: At DGM, we take the packaging of your lithium battery shipment very seriously and comply with all the shipping regulations. Our trained DG Specialists will ensure your shipment is correctly identified and classified, packaged, marked, labeled, and accompanied by a Shipper’s declaration. Contact us today to speak to a specialist about your Lithium Battery shipment.